Saturday, January 19, 2008

Memoir'44 Tournament: Fist Day

Ciao a tutti

Hi Gamers

ieri sera in un affollatissimo club TreEmme (Modena), oltre 50 soci presenti, si è svolta la prima serata del Torneo di Memoir'44 sponsorizzato dal negozio Games Accademy du Modena.

12 generali si sono affrontati sui 4 fronti della seconda guerra mondiale in 3 impegnativi scenari. Venerdì prossimo le altre tre partite che determineranno i 4 migliori che si affornteranno nella finale.
Yesterday in a really crowded club TreEmme (Modena), more than 50 members, was the time for the 1st day of the Memoir'44 Tournament, supported by the local game shop Games Accademy. 12 generals fought over the 4 fronts of the World War II in 3 difficlut scenarios. Next Friday other 3 plays to get the 4 best generals that will fight the finals.

Le fazioni erano così composte:

The two factions:

Alleati: Liga, Gianluca, Jappo, Davide, Misu e Luca
Asse: Ponz, Dugo, Francia, Saverio, Marco e Ilich

Lo battaglia è stata impegnativa ma la squadra degli Alleati ha preso un vantaggio considerevole che potrà essere colmato nella seconda serata solo con una grande impresa delle forze dell'Asse.

Dei 18 scontri infatti 11 sono stati vinti dagli alleati e solo 7 dall'Asse che hanno soprattutto patito sul fronte pacifico (4 sconfitte su 4 scontri) e sul fronte Russo (3 sconfitte su 3 scontri). Sul fronte Africano invece i maggiori successi dell'Asse (2 vittorie su 3 scontri) e un leggero predominio anche nel fronte occidentale (5 vittorie su 8 scontri).

The battle was fierce but the Allies got an advantage that will need a great feat from the Axis in the second evening to win. 11 of the 18 scenarios has been won by Allies: 4 over 4 in the Pacific and 3 over 3 on the East front. Axis has been better on the Meditterranean theatre (2 over 3) ane in the West front (5 over 8).

Ecco in dettaglio l'esiteo degli scontri e la classifica dopo la prima serata:

Here the details and the ranking after the first night of play:

primo scontro:

Misu - Dugo 6 - 4 (ovest)
Luca - Francia 1 - 5 (ovest)
Gianluca - Ilich 6 - 2 (est)
Jappo - Ponz 6 - 4 (ovest)
Liga - Marco 6 - 0 (pacifico)
Davide - Saverio 3 - 4 (meditterraneo)

secondo scontro:

Gianluca - Saverio 5 - 3 (ovest)
Liga - Francia 6 - 2 (est)
Misu - Ponz 1 - 5 (ovest)
Jappo - Dugo 4 - 6 (ovest)
Davide - Ilich 6 - 3 (pacifico)
Luca - Marco 4 - 2 (mediterraneo)

terzo scontro:

Misu - Ilich 3 - 6 (ovest)
Davide - Ponz 0 - 6 (ovest)
Luca - Dugo 5 - 6 (ovest)
Liga - Saverio 6 - 3 (pacifico)
Jappo - Marco 6 - 3 (est)
Gianluca - Francia 4 - 1 (meditterraneo)

le partite sono tutte terminate col raggiungimento degli obbiettivi degli scenari, e alle 0:45 la serata era conclusa.

All the battles ended with the obtainment of the specific scenarios objectives and was 0:45 when the last fight ended.

Ecco qua la classifica finale (i generali Alleati sono identificati da una stella). 3 punti per la vittoria piena, 2 per la vittoria per tempo massimo e 1 per il pareggio.

Here the final ranking (Allies general are marked with a star). 3 points for a full win,2 for a win to the end of time and 1 point for a draw

* Liga (18-5) 9 +13
* Gianluca (17-7) 9 +10
Ponz (15-7) 6 + 8
* Jappo (16-13) 6 +3
Dugo (16-5) 6 +1
* Luca (10-13) 3 -3
Ilich (11-15) 3 -4
Saverio (10-14) 3 -4
* Davide (9-13) 3 -4
Francia (8-12) 3 -4
* Misu (10-15) 3 -5
Marco (8-13) 0 -5

Alleati 33, Asse 21

La lotta per l'accesso alla finale è ancora aperta. Se, come probabile, saranno gli alleati a vincere porteranno 3 dei loro generali in finale e direi che nessuno è tagliato fuori perchè, sebbene Liga e Gianluca abbiano 3 vittorie, il terzo (Jappo) ne ha solo due e tutti hanno conseguito almeno una vittoria. Anche per quel che rigurda l'Asse, i gioci sono più che fatti, anche se si potrebbe pensare ad una lotta ristretta tra Ponz e Dugo.

Buon gioco a tutti e a venerdì prossima

Friday, January 11, 2008

Thursday at home: the new and the old!

Hi all

yesterday was a good night of play at my home. Two games: an Essen new (Race for the Galaxy) and an evergreen old game (Wiz War).

We was 4: me, Saverio, Nand and Gabbo! Saverio and Nand are old connections but Gabbo was a nie new surprise!

We start with Race for the Galaxy: first time for Gabbo and Nand, 2n time for Saverio.

I was able to setup a really good mineral strategy with two windmill and two standard worlds supported my the mining robots and some other useful technologies. My production engine at full rate was able to produce 8 points and 4 cards every 2 turn and I was able to run it twice at full power before the end.
Other points I got from the nice 6 technology card and an huge 5 points alien planet settled in the last turn. I got 42 points and the second was Gabbo at 33. A nice game and we all enjoyed the game.

Than was time for a Wiz War, one of my favourite of ever.

I started really well, with an enchanted dagger causing 4 damages all the round and a wand that let me pass through the walls. I got the first treasure quickly and I was close to drop the 2nd one (actually I got the card to do it but I miss the move!), than I killed Saverio, before other players realize I was to one to beat ... and they beat me well and hard. I was killed by the skeleton, with my exit close by the Ooze and the approaching wraith. In the and an almost dead Gabbo (just 1 life points left) was able to drop the 2nd treasure and close the game. Wiz War is always a fun game to play and I'm happy it shoved up one time more on my table!

good play

Battleground at Club TreEmme

Hi all

Monday night I was involved in a Battelground game at Club TreEmme. Lizardman (me) against Orcs (Gianluca). Was a fierce battle. I think I deploy better, with Triceratops on my right wing and raptor, supported by hatchings, on the left, while the middle of the field was held with courage by the Torgs (warriors, bowmen and spearmen).

On the other side the Troll advance on my right side, the bowmen in the middle and the left side was almost still with Orcs warriors. The riders was blocked behind the line in the beginning, cause a not so well placement.

The battle starts well for my green lizards and I was able to pinch the troll in the middle while my bowmen killed some orcs. But than the Lady of Luck turn her kindly eyes away from me and the 6 appeared with a non statistical frequency in my rolls!

My Triceratops were almost killed in a one-a-one fight with orcs swordsmen and the Troll easily managed to unpinch and spread my cold blood on the ground. Raptors perform average but that was not enough and the battle slowly go down to a sad end for my Lizards! It will be the next time. The fierce Lizards will rise again with a mighty army at the next time will be the T-Rex time!

Good play

PS. the worst thing was Gianluca smirk in the end of the evening!