Monday, November 06, 2006

Friday Evening at Club TreEmme

Yesterday evening was another good evening/night of game at Club TreEmme Modena: it was the time for Marvel Heroes, the new game from Maggi-Nepitello (Nexus).

We was 4 player: me, Gianluca

Marco and Saverio.

I got the Avengers, Marco the X-Man, Gianluca The Marvel Knights and Saverio the Fantastic Four.

Apart me the other players was at their first game so I have to explain the the rules: since no one of them was used to heavy rules, I try to take it easy but they have an hard time: probably it would be better to play a turn and explain what is going to happens and eventually restart the game after the first turn.

Anyway: the first turn was a total disaster: all mission was with a 5 or 6 difficulty rating. I got Iron Man knocked down (and it was supported by Captain America) and also the Fantastic Four and Marvel Knights got beaten in they first turn: only X-Man was able to fulfill the first mission. But me and Saverio got 2 story cards each.

In the second turn thanks to two good allies cards I was able to finish a 5 points mission and get also my 3rd story card: x-man was knocked down by their Arcinemesis. I finished the 2nd round first (tied with Gianluca) and so we got for the 3rd round. I got Iron Man improvement (3 KO) and so I prepare him and Hulk, with Thor in support, for the 3rd round. I was able to fulfill a 6 points mission and we go for the 3rd round. I got the second team improvement (the car) and I let Hulk in Manatthan: I was lucky and a mission appear in the Hulck district.

I was able to fulfill two mission in my last round and finished tied with the Marvle Knights (Gianluca) but I won since I got 2 team improvements and he got only one.

I confirm my impression about this game: really, really good. It is a game almost all about resources management (you got trama points, allies and heroes and you have to organize and optimize your team to best fulfill what is in map, also thinking about other players that come first in the turn).

I really like the rules for combats: the old paper-scissor-rock recipe cooked in a very nice way! And everything in the game is so Marvelish!

I'm sure I replay the game soon: my only complains is about the length of the game, but it was so funny that it is really not a problem.

Other games played at TreEmnme Friday: World in Flames, Space Dealer, Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Settlers. There was also a play-test session involving 4-5 gamers.

good play. This evening (Monday) probably I'll go to play Mission Red Planet and/or Anima.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good read. Thanks for the information