Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yesterday Evening

Yesterday evening I was sick so I wasn't able to attend my usual Monday Evening game session.

I spent the evening at home playing with my wife and my daughter and finishing to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, really a nice movie both for my daughter and me!

I got this week a new pack with two new armies of Battleground: Fantasy Warfare. So now I can start to play with Dwarfs and Orcs.

I have taken advantage of Thanksgiving offer at Columbia to order all the armies and the maps for Wizard Kings and Hammer of the Scots. I'm still waiting also a pack with Shear Panic and my copy of Battlelore. I'll be quite busy in December since I have still to play a lot of Essen games.

But the greatest present I'll have in December will be Francesco, my son, that probably will land here in our world in the middle of December. Serena's belly is really big and we are all looking for him.

good play

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