Monday, November 20, 2006

Week end at home: Football Tactics

After the conference in Rome I spent the week end with my wife and my daughter. Sunday afternoon my cousin's family come to visit me and while the children are playing together we take time to try Football Tactics. I was really well impressed by how this game plays easily and funny: it is not a football simulation but you really have a good feeling playing it and it is really funny.

In few minutes me and Lillo (my cousin) was totally involved in the game: Of course, since you have to throw dices almost for everything, the game is a bit luck drive ... but not too much, since you have to play well and think how to move your pawns over the field.

Here you can see my cousin Lillo exulting for a perfect action

And here I'm going through the (simple) rules

During the turn the Offending Team (O-team), the one with the ball, first throw a dice to move a pawn, than throw a dice and move the ball and finally, move a pawn to take the ball (if it is in an empty space) or just move the ball again. After that the Defence team (D-team) move a pawn to try to get the ball. If the ball is contended there is a tackle: if the D-team win, becomes the O-team and the turn start again, if the O-team win and the pawn is eligible to score, roll to see if there is a score.

The game is really simple. The pawns have to move the full a mount of the dice thrown and can change direction only one time during the movement: they can't pass through opponents pawn (so you can block your opponent with your men) and can't stop on a space already occupied by a friendly pawn. The ball move in the same way but changing the direction it can go back in an already passed column or row but it can pass through any space.

There are other little rules but very clever that make the game more tactic: the defender are better in tackling (+1 on the dice rolls) but can't cross the midfield line; you can't have 4 ore more pawns in a row or 3 or more pawn in a column (just one adjacent to the other): there are fault, corner kick and so on.

Included in the box there is a timer.

We really enjoyed the game (we play it half an hour) and I won 1-0 scoring from the long distance after defending for the most of the game.

Here the action where I scored

After the match was over we discovered that my goal was not legal since In the preceding defending action I violate a rule letting 4 pawn adjacent in a row.

I'm sure I'll play it again.

good play


Anonymous said...

Ciao Liga!

I think that you won the game! You can have 4 pawns in a row, but not 'more' than 4 pawns in a row. :)

Glad you enjoyed Football Tactics 2006! =)



Andrea "Liga" Ligabue said...

great! I send immediately a mail to Lillo! Thank you again for the game and I hope soon to be able to write a full review!

good play!